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[PHP] Deprecated features in PHP 5.6.x 관련 링크 : http://php.net/manual/en/migration56.deprecated.php Deprecated features in PHP 5.6.x ¶ Calls from incompatible context ¶ Methods called from an incompatible context are now deprecated, and will generate E_DEPRECATED errors when invoked instead of E_STRICT. Support for these calls will be removed in a future version of PHP. An example of such a call is: The above example will output: Depr.. 2016. 10. 20.
[PHP] Deprecated features in PHP 5.5.x 관련 링크 http://php.net/manual/en/migration55.deprecated.php ------------ 원문 -------------- Deprecated features in PHP 5.5.x ¶ ext/mysql deprecation ¶ The original MySQL extension is now deprecated, and will generate E_DEPRECATED errors when connecting to a database. Instead, use the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extensions. preg_replace() /e modifier ¶ The preg_replace() /e modifier is now deprecated. Inste.. 2016. 10. 20.
[PHP] Deprecated features in PHP 5.4.x(PHP 5.3.x to PHP 5.4.x) Deprecated features in PHP 5.4.x Deprecated functions: mcrypt_generic_end()mysql_list_dbs() http://php.net/manual/kr/migration54.deprecated.php 2013. 7. 15.
[PHP] Deprecated features in PHP 5.3.x(PHP 5.2.x to PHP 5.3.x) 관령 링크 : http://php.net/manual/kr/migration53.deprecated.php Deprecated features in PHP 5.3.x PHP 5.3.0 introduces two new error levels: E_DEPRECATED and E_USER_DEPRECATED. The E_DEPRECATED error level is used to indicate that a function or feature has been deprecated. The E_USER_DEPRECATED level is intended for indicating deprecated features in user code, similarly to the E_USER_ERROR and E_USER.. 2013. 7. 15.